I'm probably one of the loudest people I know.
Danm. I'm loud.
And with all this volume, it takes a very short amount of time for a passerby to realize I am the Angry Feminist.
We all know it. My family knows it. My boyfriend knows it. No one doesnt know this about me.
To be the angry feminist means growing up hearing how great of a mother and wife you would be to a hard working husband. Hearing men have special communication with god that you don't need, because motherhood is a gift in itself. Hearing no one would want you if you were a chewed stick of gum. It means sitting across from your white male bishop and explaining what happened in your bedroom as he decides the course to then proceed.
To be the angry feminist means to be the daughter who is told to be good when company comes for dinner. It means your siblings temporarily stop talking to you because "you're just so angry". It means a boyfriend saying he cant imagine marrying someone who would come home angry every day.
It means getting compared to those who assisted in mass genocide of an ethnicity and religion.
Being the angry feminist means your pals telling you that guy who just catcalled out the window at you is just one bad guy. It means hearing someone say that a woman dressed like that is asking to be raped. As if that's what she hoped for when she put on her clothes that morning.
She is the one who has to sit across from a rich, white, straight cis male who says their just aren't any strong voices for the black community, and continues to rattle on about his new rap album in production.
The angry feminist must listen to men argue about a woman's accessibility to abortion. As if they have ever bled for 9 days straight. As if they have ever been told they were asking for it. As if they have ever sat on the bathroom floor for two minutes wondering if they want to spend the rest of their life in partnership with the father, wondering how to tell their mother, wondering what names they will be called, wondering how they will pay for all of it, wondering if they will ever finish their degree, wondering if they will ever live for themselves.
Being an angry feminist is recognizing oppression 342 times a day. And biting your tongue 341 times a day.
Being the angry feminist means everyone hears you are angry. But no one ever asks why.
Im not mad at men.
Im not mad at white people.
Im mad at those who see injustice, and dont get mad too.