Sunday, June 24, 2012


I have no idea what Im doing.

Its funny when you break your own rules.

Its funny when you can answer everyone else's question, but not your own.

Its hard being so enlightened.

I am singing in church tomorrow.
Im not all about it. 

I dislike church singing.
Its pretty different from musical theater singing.

Cuz its reverent.

And i am not used to silence after i perform.

*hair toss*

ohhhhhh sauccccyyyyy.


Im trying to think of exciting stuff to blog about...but my life is so mediocre right now....

All i do is sleep, socialize,watch desperate housewife's and go to work.

Lets talk about today

I went to bed at 4 in the morning

And then my mom calls me at 10 to wake me up reminding me we are going to lunch at 11 for my dead sisters birthday (which was today)

I literally puled the phone away from my face and screamed "11 am lunches are so stupid. This is so stupid" and then i layed in bed for an hour, pouting that i had to wake up.

So I had a pretty sour attitude.

And then i went to lunch which was delicious.

and then i came home and watched tv.

and then my dad said "time to go practice the song"

and then i cussed and moaned and whined about how i wished id never agreed to sing with him.

And then i got there and whined some more in front of a really good friend.

And then i disrespected my dad and called him stupid ad told him to stop talking.

And then we finished and he was making small talk and I just left her house and walked home.

And  got ready for work.

and drove to work.

and worked.

and then came home.

I was a little freaking turd all day.
If i had a kid like me I would have left her at home.

Im glad my parents dont leave me at home.


I want to be better tomorrow.

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