Did you know people at work think I'm ugly?
The other day this Regular comes in and asked me if I was Mormon.
I replied "I am not, but I was raised Mormon. How did you know?"
"Because the way you do your hair. And your fingernails. And your dirty shoes."
I don't put much effort in at work.
And by much I mean none.
I never wear my hair down, and I probably use about 1 cent of make up on my face....
I hate painting my nails.
I do probably about 3 times a year.
I never use nail polish remover either.
So they get all chippy and yes, ghetto.
I also wear these hideous generic shock running shoes.
but they are like a bassinet for my feet.
So sum it up.
I look like garbage at work because Im there to work, not impress men. or women.
I get that.
But what I didnt know is that people honestly think I'm ugly all the time.
Like Ill off-handledly mention how some guy hit on me last night, or that I went up and got some guys number somewhere...
And they think I'm telling a joke.
Like "Oh Britanee. She's funny, at least."
Today I put on lip stain and wore my hair down.
And removed my chipped nail polish.
the same regular came in and said "Are you wearing make up?"
"No" I said as I handed him back his receipt
He saw my now clean nails and smirked.
He said "You look good. A man should tell a woman when she looks good."
I said "I look good all the time, Fernando."
"No you dont."
My customers in line laughed, and so did I.
Its such a time warp.
I get treated the same way I did in high school.
And by that I mean I get looked over.
I want to realistically convey, it doesn't bother me.
I just think its really funny.
Dont get me wrong when I say, I am confident enough in myself to know how aesthetically pleasing I have the potential to be.
Its funny because all the boys at Goodwill treat me like an amateur and try to give me advice.
After relentless high school pick up lines I snapped to one of them:
"You wouldn't even know what to do with me. You've never met a female like me. Ever. So stop trying. You got all these girls around here eatin out of the palm of your hand. They are children. Dont for a second think you've got me."
I continued to ridicule him about his hickies. And that shut him up.
I feel like an undercover spy or something.
"You were there."
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