Monday, October 7, 2013

We might be hollow but we're brave

I havent blogged in a long time.

In all honesty its because I feel like it just gives people more to make fun of me about.

I dont often get discouraged in my career aspirations.
I go and learn about outrageously large and seemingly unmovable obstacles in society.
Such as  pornography creating an unrealistic ideal of sex and woman,objectification of woman leading to violence,white privilege causing a lack of empathy,media illiteracy in both boys and girls causing low self worth. I comprehend how these all create a vicious cycle of a really messed up society.
And every day I drive down the 60 east so excited about my future.
I very rarely drive home feeling like the obstacles are just too big to ever make any kind of progress.

Most people respond to my newly voiced opinions on these issues by disregarding them. They chatter off about how they personally are not effected by those factors, so they dont really matter. How I shouldnt get so passionate, because those arent even real problems. Their mom had a full time job and their dad helped with the dishes and they had to do their own laundry and a black man is president and Mexicans are poor because they never cared to get an education and white people have problems too. So just stop talking, Britanee.

And that is what discourages me.
When people try to convince me I shouldnt want these things.That they are trivial and Im simply an angsty adolescent.

Because that is so much easier to do. If we dont have a problem, we dont have to work towards a solution.

All I hear when people try to silence me is "Stay in your place,girl, quit tryin to rock the boat"

I dont want women to have "second shift"
I dont want a woman who makes less money then her male counterpart to come home from working the same 8 hour shift her husband did to be expected to cook, clean, and chase children while her husband watches the game.

I want my mother to stop calling me and asking me to start dinner and clean the bathroom and put her clothes in the washer while Taylor sits watching the food network.

I want to unlearn the idea that how I prove my love for a man is by offering him seconds before clearing his dishes at the table.

I dont want to stop doing nice things for people I love.
I dont want to stop pulling my weight, or contributing my fair share.
Thats what I want, a fair share.

As soon as I decided I wanted to go into sex education/gender equality/media literacy I knew I would face a lot of trash.
I knew people would assume I was some radical, man hating feminist who has sex with anyone and everyone and should be kept away from your children.
I was prepared for that.

But what I wasn't prepared for was being told how stupid and ludicrous I am for standing up for something I am passionate about.

There was about a 2 week period where it made me second guess myself. Moments where I realized this is what I will face for the rest of my life, and brief moments where I concluded it wasn't worth it.
Wasn't worth people I'd never met disrespecting me behind a computer screen,or even worse people I had met. Wasn't worth people making preposterous assumptions about my beliefs. My beliefs that couldn't possibly have stemed from good-intentions, but from ignorance. Wasn't worth people putting words in my mouth. Wasn't worth the infinite off handed jokes who's subtle truth stung long after the laughter subsided.

But at the end of the day,everyone knows the quickest way to silence a woman is to call her an uneducated whore.

After I changed my perception, its funny that every person who tries to tell me how pointless my opinions are, only reaffirms them.

So today, I decided to blog.

1 comment:

  1. My 2 cents on this can be summed up in 3 words - Give 'em hell.
    Rock that stupid boat we're all stuck in! I'm glad there are people like you who actually try to change their corner of the world. I'd definitely say it's worth it.
