Sunday, January 25, 2015

I just need to clear my mind now, its been racin' since the summer time

There is this theory that has surfaced, paraphrased below

"Male privilege is “I have a boyfriend” being the only thing that can actually stop someone from hitting on you because they respect another male-bodied person more than they respect your rejection/lack of interest."

As most things in our society, its much more complex than that.

Even still, a mixture of education and experiences have lead me to never using "I have a boyfriend" as an out when being hit on.

Because my boyfriend is in fact not the reason I wont take down your number.

Its because you told me you were too heterosexual to wear Nike high tops, and then waited for me to laugh.

Its because when describing your outfit, you used the word "wife beater".

When you told me to hit you up because you were only in town for two days, it wasn't my boyfriend holding me back.

My boyfriend had nothing to do with you forgetting my name.

And when you offered to take me to End Game and buy my drinks, it wasn't my boyfriend stopping me.
And my boyfriend didn't come to mind when I answered "Hard pass" dryly to your next suggestion of buying me lunch.

See because its not that I don't like Barcades, or drinks, or food even.
 I love food. Deeply.

Its because I have no interest in getting to know you.
And you are in no way entitled to chances as I am in no way obligated to give them.

1 comment:

  1. My fiance and I kept on getting into fights all of the time. We were close to breaking up a few times. I knew that we needed something to stay together because he was pulling away from me day by day. Dr Okougbo really helped us stay together and become a closer couple. He did a love binding spell that worked perfectly! He started making more of an effort to talk to me about how he was feeling which helped us work through our problems so much better. My fiance tends to shut down whenever there is conflict and this spell helped him communicate with me. I can also tell that he is more attracted to me because he keeps sending me flowers at work and is always trying to touch me in some way. It's actually really nice and I am very grateful to Dr Okougbo and his temple at for all that he have done for me.
