I love water.
And i never drink enough of it.
Today was weird.
I dont think i had enough water.
and then I went to goodw....
back up.
a week ago i was at goodwill.
I found this precious deep coral satchel.
Very classy.
it was 6$
and i knew it would be half off on green day.
So im like. Ill wait.
and get it for 3 dollars.
and so i hid it said a little prayer and walked away.
I was under the impression....that Goodwill had a different color off everyday.
apparently its every week...?!?!!!? im so lost.and heartbroken.
so i left my dream bag.
and so i came back today.
and went to where i hid it.
and i look all over
no luck.
so im heart broken.
What i didnt tell you is that i hid 2 bags.
I found bag number 2.
but i never found the coral bag.
i was so heart broken. (ididnotbuiybag#2outofprotest)
I could not mentally grasp that someone else owned this bag.
Everyone reacts to break ups differently.
Some people instantly bad mouth the other, or go rebound.
My reaction was shopping and sleep deprivation.
Not the healthiest or cheapest outlet.
however i have some rockin outfits now.
And ive been doing a lot of late night Pilates.
You think it would be gradual.
But its not.
It comes in waves.
Which is the worst part.
point of the story is i never found the bag.
i hope who ever bought it is loving it a lot.
I am. It's amazing. (ilookunderstuffcauseiknowyouwereintherebeforemeandhidallthegoodthings.