Sunday, April 1, 2012

What doesnt kill you makes you stronger

I had forget how dumb boys are.

Let me clarify.

I forgot how young and nasty boys are.

I was talking to this guy and i made some joke about cuddling,
His reply: "Thats all we would do.....cuddle?"


I was like "annnnnnnd im done."

When people find out Im single now they always ask if Im looking for a new guy.
And the answer is a big fat nooooo

And I will tell you why.

When you think of what you want in a significant other, you think of the things you want to agree on, like religion and how many kids you want and gay marriage  annndd all sorts of big stuff

I dont know myself well enough to answer a  lot of those questions. (Except for gay marriage. I know I support gay marriage [In fact, thats actually a question i ask on a first date, and if they dont agree, i already know there will be no second date.]) . Thus i cant find similarities in a boy, cuz i havnt even found them in myself.

Is this making sence?

The point of the story is.

I have to grow up and learn a lot about myself first.

And boys need to be nicer.

And less gross.


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