Thursday, May 24, 2012

Th-th-th-this is somethin that i learned, listen Im about tah teach.

I am the master of dating.

Black movies and experiance have taught me all i need to know.

Obviously, i mean, look how grown up I am.


Girls get so excited when a boy is into them.
Boys are FAR too easy to impress.

If you can impress the boy from taco bell, im sure you can impress the boy from chipotle....hold out.

Girls as a whole are just messes.

I wont even bother to explain them

As a general note to the gender, im gonna say:
Get some confidence
Make him work for it (boys aint gonna buy the cow when they're getting the milk for free)
And turn down some offers, it only increases your asking price.
Finally, be mindful of what others warm you of, and realize, you probably arnt thinking the clearest in the current situation.
Remember, you know nothing.

If i can leave you with one thing it is this:

Girls are stupid.
They dont realize they are leading you on.
All they realize is they are getting free stuff and LOTS of flattering attention.
So dont get upset when 5 dates in she explains she thought you were "just friends"

Which leads to, if a girl says no to a first date or turns your down over and over because she knows your styles dont mesh- Dont whine and freak out on her like a little biznatch. Because it was real nice of her to  break it to you now, as opposed to all the dedicated money and emotions later on down the road.

Why do boys think freaking out on you will make you want them?
Once you turn them down they unload all this weird crap on you......
you just texted away the small fraction of hope you had left, buster.

are girls too.

Actually, i dont want to give the boys too many tips, cuz than my moves wont work on them.

And you know I got  A LOT.

Dating is actually really easy.
People just dont know their worth.

You're welcome.

Oh....and stay away from the one who flips the script. If you dont have the have nothing.

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