Friday, March 14, 2014

Ready or not, here I come

What a luxury it would be to speak out of emotion.
To have a trigger response, and for it to be heard, and respected, and thought to be educated and justified.

As a female, I have never had that luxury.
I must speak more eloquently, more logically, and more APOLOGETICALLY than my male counterpart, in order, not to be BELIEVED, but to not be immediately DISMISSED.

What a luxury it must be to feel like its your place to tell someone what they should have done differently,and for it to be considered an act of kindness.
When I do that, I am out of place, naggy.

What a luxury it must be to feel entitled to saying what you want.

I have never had that luxury.

Stop ignoring that you have more privilege than someone else simply because it makes you feel uncomfortable and do something constructive with it.

That is what I want to say.

But that is far too abrasive for this young white girl to be saying.
Instead she has to use words that make those who are over-privileged invisible, so they don't have to face the fact they have more ability to do something about it.
So they don't have to know what it feels like to be out of their comfort zone.
So we don't, for a second, have to know what it feels like to be underprivileged.
To not be white.

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