Thursday, June 14, 2012

This is more than the typical kinda thing, felt the jones in my bones when you were touching me

You know people who were super ugly and then grew up to be really attractive?

I love it.

Its like the twilight zone.

Like a dog walking on its hind legs.

Today, Im at work and Michal texts me telling me she has to go BACK to calli to redo some shish for holland.


Looks like we wont have to shave our heads after all.

In less exciting news....

Nathan is the first friend I made in College.

and consequently responsible for many more.

Nathan helped me through some of the biggest events of my life.(ya know, so far)

Any one who knows Nathan knows he just has a way of doing that, helping you with your problems.

So when he moved in with me, we only became closer.

I can honestly recount multiple instances where I knocked on his door at 3 am just to talk something out with him.

Times when we just watched TV and laughed and then repeated the lines for months to come.

We introduce each other as brother and sister.

Nathan got a FAAAT job offer in Cedar City Utah performing in summer shows until August.
He will be leaving this Saturday.

Im already dreading it.

Who's door am I going to knock on at 3 am?

I am beyond thrilled for him, not to mention I know my town Cedar will take care of him, but imma miss him pretty hard.

But I will probably just avoid thinking about it.

Like I do with my dead dog.

Hmmm what else is happeninggggggg


ooootttt otttttttt.

So far we are kicking butt.

Im so proud of my lil mamma.

Ever since I got into my hippie phase I have been wanting insence, but i can never decide on any.

However, I am happy to report I baught some.
Now my room smells like tapestries and patchouli and love for everyone.



Idaho was good.
I loved seeing my family, especially my little and big sisters and my nieces and my grumpy little nephew.

My little sister/cousin was asking me if i went to church or if I wanted to be married in the temple or if I dressed modestly and I pretty much answered "Nope" to all of those questions.

Shes sorta young. so it was hard for her to comprehend me going against everything she's been taught her whole life.

Which is fair.

I was actually really glad to just say it.
The thing about me is Im pretty much an open book, I will be 100% honest about what I do.
And the reason is because Im not ashamed
 Because I think things through before I do them.

The good thing about God choosing Jesus' plan is that I get to make my own choices.

So there is that.

The surprising thing is that out of all my family my 17 year old little sister understood me the most.
Talk about growing up.

I get why people tell me never to grow up and why moms are so protective.
I never want one bad thing to happen to that girl.

It was cold and rainy the whole time, but I welcomed the change.


Lets think about why i would have deleted my last post.

Think real hard....



However, I was so happy to get home.

I loved the hot stupid air hitting my face as soon as I walked out of the airport, I loved driving past the 7 buildings that make up Phoenix's downtown skyline,I loved throwing on a cotton dress and sitting in the sun.

 I stayed the night at Michals Mom's house.Which is kinda one of my favorite places in the world.
For those of you who don't know, its a pretty big deal. Its homely, its decorated exquisitely, it' favorite.

Lemme lay it down for you...

This is the front yard....


When Michal and I woke up, we would go gather duck eggs and chicken eggs from the back yard.

Seriously, being with Michal is living the life I want to live.


Yeah, I eat them all the time....

Michal and I are gonna have a duck no matter what.

Even if all it has is the little 4 by 4 patio of our apartment.

Then we would go get shawarma for lunch from the most leggit bakery.

And then we would go buy fabric to make maxi skirts with

And then we would go train for our triathlon.

Spending time with Michal is a nice vacation from my problems.

but i mean, its summer, so ....I dont really have any.

So thats been my life lately.

Im looking for another job, Cuz telling men I work in a movie theater is REALLY killing my game.

It leads them to ask how old I am.

Which is pretty much GAME OVER...

Well, with the fish Im tryin to fry.

No more kids stuff.

But finding a grown up job is a little bit tricky.

And a tad intimidating.

But IM SURE its nothing I can get over.

I mean, I gotta make that dough if Im gonna be moving to Chicago in February

While in he car with my sister Sarah, I was on the phone with my friend Jen and I mentioned moving to Chicago.
And Sarah says to her husband, sort of whispered, "Thats cute she thinks she's moving to Chicago"


*nods head*


Why do we say feb-you-airy?

When its spelled feb-rue-airy.



Here's to Bigger and Better things.

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