Friday, November 2, 2012

And are we there yet?

This is to all my funny girls.
I have been fortunate enough to meet a lot of hilarious, surprisingly strong teenage females.

One of my proxy little sisters was telling me how she was joking around at a bonfire and some boy made fun of her (I cant remember the exact situation).

And she said "I just kept doing what I was doing, cuz he is just a stupid high school boy"

I dont know if I was that smart in highschool....

I remember no boys had crushes on me, because I was loud and made better jokes than them and was admittedly awkward....
And I remember thinking no boys would ever like me, because my personality just didnt fit what boys want out of a girl.
I thought that boys wanted the stereotypical cardigan wearing quiet Mormon girl who curled her hair and did her makeup every morning and had never heard of "pre-made cookie dough"

Luckily, it made me give up on caring if boys had crushes on me and just being myself.

Which it turns out, boys like a lot.

I mean.... a lot.....

So this is to all the girls who only went to the Girl-ask-Guy dances, and thought they were too fat for some guy to ever give them a chance

Im saying outside of Mountain View or whatever closed minded high school you go to, there are lots of boys who like a funny, outspoken girl who rarely wears make up.
And they like them a lot better than cardigan wearing robots....

So dont wear a cardigan if you dont want to.
And dont think you cant wear a duck suit to school because the football player in your British literature class will undoubtedly make fun of you....

Wear your duck suit.
Make lots of jokes
And realize you are really fricken awesome, and boys are gonna be linin up down the block for you in the near future.


  1. Sing it sister.
    But I will continue to wear my cardigans, mostly cause I'm basically an old lady.
