Thursday, September 15, 2011

If you can't feed your baby, than dont have a baby.

I'm glad my admiration for cold  milk has returned.

This is the post you have been waiting for.

Very Juicy.

But lets start off with some small talk.

Summer is fading, which makes me uncontrollably excited for winter hats.
And, like Christmas,and all that.

(I just want hair extensions for Christmas.and consequently to conform. but thats it.) 

(Insert pic of me in one.)

There it is.

That one is my fave.

Heres another shot of her....
(25 frustrating minutes later, Britanee gives up because she cant get it to load. It is a really cute pic of Emily S , Jennifer, and Britanee feeding a koala.)

Love them.

I have a boyfriend.
I know, we thought this day would never come.

His name is Josh.
He is the cute boy i reference all the time.The one from call-backs.
That was top-secret and no longer is.

He is very nice and respectful.
And he thinks Im cute, even tho Im obnoxious, and he makes me very happy.
His number one pet peeve is when people cant/dont use the right your's (your, you're.....are there more?)
OK, if you know me at all.
I am notorious for doing so.
When i found out this was his pet peeve , i commented that i always misuse them.
He said " I've noticed, i  wasn't going to say anything."

That right there shows how great he is.

Anyway, enough of that.

I mean, i could go on. But I guess it annoys ppl.
(single people)
(so pathetic.)


So, now that we are dating, i figured he is permitted to see these killer legs i keep under wraps.
So tonight, i wore a short hoochie skirt ( im a classsy gurrrl) and my mom kept commenting on how short it 
was, and i told my mom
"Mom, if i wanna keep this boy around, i gotta show off the goods."
I couldn't finish this sentence without laughing.
I have trained her to be entertained by the outrageous things i say.
It took about 16 years.
I started as a baby.

though, i didnt end up wearing the skirt.
but i still showed of my leggies.
Lemme tell ya, it was a good plan.

Oh gosh.
I dont know that im mature enough for a blog anymore.

Hmmmmm whatelse.
Oh. I auditioned for an improv troupe.
I did not get in.

Apparently, im not funny.

Nah, im really not beat up about it.

Man, im so joking right now.

Hmmmmm what else.

Forum is going good.
I feel alright about it.

I have a fatttttttttty essay do tomorrow.

Here was my priority list for the night

  • hang out with friends/josh
  • check facebook an unjustifiable amount
  • write a blog
  • read obamas heathcare bill
  • eat pizza
  • gouuuuch my eyes out
  • do essay.....

actually, i already ate pizza, so its a bit out of order.

I do not wanna write the essay.

College is kickin my butt.

So its work.

Real life is hard.
And im not even in the thick of it.
Real adults would say this isnt real life.

Happy to know it gets worse/harder

Quick , what movie is this from ?

"You're not even old enough to know how hard life gets."

Seriously, leave it in the comment box if you know.
I think its A 90'S movie....

do you catch that im procrastinating....

Im not excited for the next few days.

Me and Sadee were talking about this
You know what we decided

Me:"More money, more problems"
Sadee: "More money, more solutions."


Add WASH MY FACE to list of things to do before i am productive

I have so much homework to do tomorrow.
Barf city.

Thats all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl if you need help with an essay call me up and I'll chat with you on FB and help you. Seriously, with Steve in school it's like getting to go to University again! Without the pressure of auditions and grades! And without having to pay for tuition. If I learn everything he does, then it's as if we're each getting an education for half price, right? :)

    Really, though, I can help. I am good at the essay stuff. I have transcripts to prove it and everything.
